Watch our Inspiring 10-part Video series! You can also read some of Maria's writing below!
Hi! It's Catty and My Maria says that humans are like birds... free to soar like eagles and not be locked up in cages feeling trapped! OMG!
As your consciousness expands, you get to choose to be a grander version of yourself and that doesn't mean have a bigger car, but be kinder! Wow!
It's pretty awesome that you humans get to choose to be better people! We cattys are all the same! We're all really nice... just growing and transforming into butterflies when the time is right!
Big Catty-Love! Xox
Hi! Catty here! Sometimes you humans feel trapped and don’t see a way out!
Did you know that you co-create your reality and so you can just co-create better!
In this Fun video series, Maria explains how YOU hold the key to your joy, inner piece, and love! See you there!
Big Catty-Hugs! Xox
It's me, Catty! Did you know that you humans develop spiritual muscle when you overcome problems? Wow! So I guess, Earth is like a spiritual gym?
And Maria says that you all have a spark of divinity inside... what about the bad guys that really push your buttons?
Oh my, I don't understand. I'm just glad I'm a catty, but if you really want to figure this out like I do, come along with me to Part 3 of Unlatch Your Cage! Fly FREE! Yay!
Big Catty-Strength! xox
Hi! It's Maria's best-est friend Catty sharing Maria's message that it's time to speak up about things that matter!
You know, when you humans take your power and shine your light on the darkness, like a cockroach, it runs and hides!
And when you all do the right thing, you get to choose to be your Good Self, your God Self, and your Highest Self! So Unlatch Your Cage! And Fly FREE! Yay!
Sending you Big Catty-Power! xox
Hi! It’s Catty to tell you about Part 5 of Unlatch Your Cage! Fly FREE! Where My Maria shares that even a teeny tiny shift in perspective can change your world!
Yep, when you see challenges as opportunities for soul growth, you can see life through the lens of LOVE!
Sending you lots of Big Catty-Love!
Catty here, and life is your classroom where humans learn about contrast... what you DO want by seeing what you DO NOT want.
You can choose joy over sadness, peace over chaos, and love over fear!
And you can be in gratitude for your blessings, while you focus on manifesting all else you desire!
Sounds like you humans have it made, while I'm gonna focus on becoming a butterfly cuz that's what I do best! Wave to me if you see me flying by!
Big Catty-Waves! xox
It's Catty here and do you want to make the world a better place? I sure hope you humans do cuz we cattys have to share it with you! :)
And so you can each start by being the best person you can be! You can stretch yourself and really serve others! Wow!
Plus when you respect yourself, you extend that respect to others, to your environment where your fuzzy friends like me live, and to our entire world! Wow!
Sending lots of Big Catty-Respect! xox
Hi! It's My Maria's Best-est friend Catty! Have you ever heard that your "Vibe Attracts Your Tribe"?
Well, My Maria shares how you can UP the quality of your tribe by loving yourself! Really! And what's not to love? Right?
And do you know a Dr. Joe Dispenza? He's living proof that your mind can heal your body! His sure did!
He miraculously cured himself! Wow! So amazing!
So come on... love yourself and really know that you are just one GREAT, BIG, HUGE miracle! Yay!
Big Catty-Self Love! xox
Hi, it's Catty! I'm My Maria's Catty-pillar and Best-est friend! If you want to change your life, My Maria shares how you can do it!
Plus, you'll learn how to find the solution to every problem! Yes, EVERY one of them! Really!
And come on, someone tell me you like my new black hair! I wanted to be twin-sies or twin-kies, whatever you humans call it when you want to be just like someone you love!
So watch Part 9! You'll love the cool info! Yay!
Sending you lots of Big Catty-Smarts! xox
Hi there! It's Catty! Oh My Maria tells all! Like how sometimes she wakes up in the middle of the night to read Mike Dooley's "Notes from The Universe" or Esther's "Abraham-Hicks" messages! OMG!
Not a groupie kinda girlie, but if you wake up to read stuff, what do you think?
Pretty funny, I'd say! I'm just glad she lets me sleep through it all!
Big Catty-Winks! xox
We are on a most magnificent journey of self-discovery... to experience, to know, and to embody, none other than THE HIGHEST VERSION
of Who We Really Are.
Let me tell you that for YEARS, I had NO idea who I was.
OMG! Can you BELIEVE that one? Any of YOU been there?
I felt trapped and saw NO way out.
Perhaps God disagreed, because...
With an opened heart, you expand your consciousness...
you become better... you become more aware,
you become more conscious...
And on a daily basis, you are given opportunities to forgive, to show kindness, to have compassion, to reflect, to assess, and to embrace your brothers and sisters...
the human beings on our planet
that are extensions of yourself...
Join me... for if I can do it, you can too. You are no different from me. Remember... there is no separation between us. Yet you say, "Ha... oh Maria, you don't know what you are talking about. You don't know the half of it...
I feel like a hamster on the wheel going absolutely nowhere.
And you say...
I feel overcome by fear. I hold on by a thread...
If there is a God, HE has surely forsaken me,
for I see no evidence of my life improving,
my relationships improving, or my situation improving.
Challenges differ from one individual to another,
yet one thing is certain... we each have them,
or we would not be here in the physical.
And I do hear you.
I feel your pain... for we are connected.
You are here to succeed! You are here to thrive!
You are here to manifest your most heartfelt dreams and desires, and the Energy of the entire Universe is at your very disposal! Or... you may stay right where you are...
What will you do?"
You taste joy when you've experienced bitter sadness.
You feel peace when you've shuddered in chaos.
You smile at silence when you've grimaced at noise.
You embody love when you've cringed in fear and
been the target of hatred or indifference.
And humanity's survival depends on you... on the thoughts, words, and actions of each and every human being on the planet. You truly CAN change the world! You truly MUST change the world!
REMEMBER... it's your time to SHINE!!!
Suddenly, your world is transformed
from conflict and struggle, to harmony and balance
because of the quality of the people in it.
Can you feel and be in gratitude
for your most heartfelt dreams, goals, and desires
having already been manifested in your life?
Isn't that wild?
Tell me... would you opt to stay in ignorance
when solutions to problems are offered
and You can change Your reality
in just minutes?
Truly, one day things just seem to click,
and in an instant,
you are able to see things differently!
May you move forward creating a world
where you are an example of those aspects of Divinity
that you most choose to experience.
And remember, life is not even about you, but rather about what God, the Universe, the Energy of all creation
wants revealed through you.
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