Hi! My name is Catty and I want to tell you about
my BESTEST friend, My Maria!
Like everyone of us,
Maria is SO much more than her accomplishments!
But hey, for starters, Maria went to Northwestern and as we all know, just a pretty face won't get you in there! On her closet wall hangs a degree in Psychology, but she's really a nerd and just loves, loves Chemistry. Maria thinks it's like cooking... probably like making baklava! Can you imagine?
Oh well, I'm still learning about silly humans...
especially silly Greek humans!
Next to that sheepskin, hangs a Masters in Anatomy. Yep, like those police shows where people throw up at the smell or even just thinking about dead bodies, Maria wants to learn all about how to keep them alive and healthy.
And she's a touchy-feely kinda girl, so since Maria doesn't like blood or seeing people hurting, the Gross Anatomy lab was right up her alley! Yeah, those people look asleep, but it's a bit more serious than that!
Trust me on that one!
Medical Sciences at Indiana University
called to her
and to her interest in Neuro-anatomy and Physiology.
Well, if you're like me, what in the world is THAT?
Oh yeah, hey, it's your Brain and Spinal Cord.
And get this, she also thinks medical research is cool, and playing around with the Electron microscope is even cooler. Can you imagine?
Personally, I prefer Legos and blowing bubbles,
but to each his own.
Yep, Maria likes research and teaching, so Maria would dissect cadavers that looked like big rubber dolls so she could teach future nurses and doctors how awesome the human body inside the Soul really is... or is it the other way around... the soul inside the body? I don't really know, do you?
Oh well, I don't know what all you humans think... but, in any case, Maria studied humans, especially their brain,
long after the angel inside had gone
Born in Chicago, Maria mostly grew up in Indiana, but since Northwestern's in Illinois, she went back until it was time for grad school at IU!
Maria married a guy she met at NU & together they moved to NY. I'm guessing Maria should have thought about that a bit more, cuz after 3 months, Maria missed her books & returned to Chicago to study law.
My Maria loves getting her point across in a courtroom, almost as much as she loves children, so Maria popped out three boy babies... in between classes. Heehee... Maria just had to have a little girl, so lo and behold, #4 was beautiful girl baby Melissa! Yay!
Can you believe that one?
Boy, did she get lucky!
I mean... Girl, did she get lucky! :)
Three months later... hey, what's with the three month deal? Anyway & OMG! Maria got sprayed... err, drenched with a tree and lawn pesticide, and double OMG! for 5 years, doctors weren't sure she'd even make it!
Thank you God! This ultra-cool chickie, my friend Maria didn't give up. Maria divorced & because Maria had become allergic & chemically sensitive from the poison, Hey I wonder if Maria was allergic to her husband & that's why she left? OMG! You never know. Oops, I hope I don't get in trouble for that one! Anyway, with a team of holistic physicians, they came up with 42 organic, chemical-free skincare formulations for
Maria's new company,
Laser Garden !!
For ten years, My Maria traveled the world educating humans on what's so great about "organic," and offering an alternative to chemically-laden commercial skincare. Yay! We Cattys get sick around all that bad killing stuff that you humans go wild spraying anything that moves in your gardens! Why do so many of you do that? I bet you don't have any idea how many baby Catty's had to go to heaven.
Maria loved her mommy and when mommy was forgetting bunches of things, in 2004, Maria moved to Florida to spend time with both her mommy and daddy!
After Maria's parents went to heaven in 2010 & 2011, Maria went on a vacation to a small rural village in Brazil to pray. When Maria returned, her sister and son changed the locks to her condo on Clearwater Beach and stole all of Maria's stuff... yep, EVERYTHING! Even Maria's jewelry, vitamins, and bed Oh My Gosh!... and even writing! And Maria LOVES her writing! Now why would humans do that? Take clothes and toothbrushes too? Oh My Gosh, some humans really are CRAZY!
Plus, Mommy and Daddy left her lots of money and lots more stuff, but... you won't even believe this one! They took all that too! Boy, was Maria kinda surprised... err, shocked, err, disgusted, cuz they changed names, erased words in docs, stole her stuff, gave it away, got rid of it... you know, whatever crazy humans do and when no one would help her, she had to live in three California shelters and began interviewing people who had lost their homes & money too!
What is the matter with you humans? Cattys would never do that to another Catty! We want all Cattys to become beautiful butterflies!
Maria decided that humans can be really mean & crazy. They like to win & they don't care who they hurt. Don't you think that's pretty sad? It sure would be better if humans played games where all you guys were helping each other grow and win. I don't really get this, but Maria explains all this in "WINNING The Game of Life" so after this section, head on over there! You won't even believe how your GOOD and even
BAD stuff becomes GREAT stuff!
Maria made over 60 videos in her video series "FORGIVENESS to LOVE" where she shared all kinds of OMG! stuff you won't believe
that goes on when humans divorce or die! Some go totally wacko & crazy & the worst is when they get sneaky & lie about stuff! You know, I sure don't like playing a game when someone cheats, do you?
Kinda Really wrecks the fun... I'm so glad Cattys
see the bigger picture & don't do such dumb stuff.
Anyway, go watch the FORGIVENESS to LOVE videos! They're AMAZING! & Maria tells you stuff you would NEVER believe happens! It's a real eye-opener that all you humans need to understand so you can protect yourselves! REALLY!!!
I told you Maria's the eternal optimist! And I bet you can even guess what her favorite flower is! Hey, of course,
it's the sunflower!
Wow, I'm so glad Maria is who she is.
I love My Maria!
If that isn't enough, Maria LOVES, LOVES, LOVES to write and has written thousands of pages on all sorts of topics!
Gosh, some humans just don't stop... to smell the roses,
or any other flower for that matter! Know what I mean? :)
OMG, you humans take life so seriously... such a weird bunch! I'm so glad I'm a Catty! You guys could learn a lot from us !!
And now Maria spends her time writing even more! The good news is that Maria's making videos and when you watch them, I get to connect with all of you! Yay! Plus Maria's rescued and adopted so many animals that you'll see in our videos... an elephant, giraffe, unicorn, dogs, bunnies, and lots more! You won't even believe how fun they are!
We're just one BIG, HAPPY family! It's the BEST! And the videos are REALLY good and you will LOVE them! So enjoy them and ALL the other good stuff on MariaHadey.com!
Anyway, Maria, like I said... being the eternal optimist, believes that humans are best served by focusing on kindness, compassion, honesty, and love... a mindset where
"I see you as I see myself."
I don't really get this because I told Maria that I don't really want to look in a mirror and see me, Catty, with all that black hair and shiny white teeth! OMG, that would just be too freaky!
Plus, Maria believes that all humans can overcome obstacles and see their challenges as opportunities for spiritual growth, as they view their life from a higher perspective! Maria shares more of that stuff in her "Be UNstoppable!" video on the Home page!
See what I mean? Maria never gives up!
And guess what... Maria just loves to smile!
Bet you couldn't tell that one! LOL
Anyway, the greatest joy for My Maria is to share her life with the people who matter the most! Maria dreams of a life, where all wounds are healed, and transformed into understanding, acceptance, forgiveness, and appreciation. Wow!
That's such a beautiful vision!
You humans sure do have extraordinary journeys!
That's for sure!
And above all else, Maria is most focused on her spiritual growth to fulfill her life purpose, which she believes includes empowering humans like YOU to know your Divinity and overcome life challenges to grow into kickass versions of yourselves! Wow! That sounds pretty awesome,
don't you think?
Yep, My Maria believes that we can all be so much better today, than we were yesterday... and get this, we can be even better tomorrow! OMG, now that's something to strive for! Wow!
My Maria is Sooo funny when she describes herself as a "work in progress," cuz she's so excited to help & make a difference.
Maria invites us all to join her!
So... LET'S DO IT!!!
Hugs and kisses, xox
P.S. My Maria believes humanity can be transformed into something so much better than it is now! Yep, Maria really believes this! I just don't know. What do you think?
Hey, some girls get A's in school smarts, but an F minus in street smarts... or common sense! That's My Maria! Uh ho, am I going to get in big trouble! But anyway, I hope you humans do transform yourselves & this planet!
And I am really glad that Maria has her website, because otherwise, I would have never met YOU or My Maria! Sniffle. Sniffle. Life sure is interesting,
So, SMILE, and make today
your BESTEST DAY EVER! See you at our videos! I really like the Pity Party !!
Watch on! xox Catty
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