If you've been cheated on, don't worry, this hilarious 8-Part Video Series is a Must-Watch !
Hi, it’s Catty and My Maria brings CHEATING out into the open and even shares in these videos what happened to her!
Maria’s funny when she says CHEATERS give gifts. I thought she meant Heebee Geebees or OMG! HPV, HIV, Herpes, or Crabs YUK! but Maria’s talking spiritual gifts! LOL Tell me, what do you think about that?
Wow! You gotta watch the videos cuz you will laugh and maybe see yourself! Hurry! See you!
Sending you Catty Super-Strength! x
It's Catty! My Maria explains that RODENTS are MORE desirable than CHEATERS cuz they show us who they are, while CHEATERS lie and pretend they’re somebody else! Wow! That’s pretty gross, don’t you think?
So do you want to find out what’s really going on? And then what are you going to do if you find out you’ve been had? OMG!
Sending you Super Catty 20-20 Vision! xox
Silly girl! Do you know that CHEATERS disrespect us and actually get naked? Eouuu OMG! And even have their tongue in someone else’s mouth! OMG! You humans do that?
Wow! I’m sure glad I’m a Catty-pillar on my way to becoming a butterfly!
You will love these videos and even laugh at the gross stuff you humans do! Watch on! And our furry family and me will see you there!
Sending you TONS of Catty-Discernment! Some of you humans sure need it! lol
It's Catty and you KNOW he CHEATED on others, but you believed you were different… cuz he said so! Right?
Yep, My Maria thought that too, and got an F Minus in Street Smarts!
Maria even shares funnies about her cheaters! You will crack up!
Sending you lots of Catty-Smarts xox
It's Catty and My Maria says we get to choose… we can love ourselves, take off our blinders, see our CHEATER as a horse’s ass bearing camouflaged gifts and move on, OR think our Fairy Godmother will just POOF the YUKK away!
What do you think?
Sending you a Giant Catty-Reality Check! xox
I'm Catty and My Maria says CHEATERS act from EGO and pretend to be faithful even while they sneak around! Eouuu…
And what about those “I DO” church vows before God and bunches of friends and family?
I wish more humans had INTEGRITY, cuz you all could be a lot happier!
Sending you lots of Catty-HONESTY! xox
My Maria says that when we know our worth, we move on from CHEATERS to find “better” partners, and maybe even our “perfect other”… or how about our “Twin Flame”!
Wow! A Twin Flame? That sounds pretty cool! So what are you waiting for?
Sending you Catty-Running Shoes! GO GIRL GO! xox
Do you know there are 6 BILLION, 8,000,000,000, people on the planet, so Maria asks, “Do you really want to be with a CHEATER”?
You're here to be blissfully happy, to be respected, and to live your best life! So SMILE, MINGLE, & LIVE IT!
Sending you Big Catty-Power… now OWN it and wave BYE! xox
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